Auto Insurance

Personal and Commercial

When it comes to auto insurance, you have a lot of choices you need to make to make sure you're getting the right coverage. The first and most important choice you'll need to make is whether you want full coverage or liability coverage.

Liability coverage is the most common type of auto insurance for drivers in NYS and elsewhere. With liability coverage, your insurance provider will pay for the other driver's medical bills and damage to their vehicle. You, on the other hand, will have to pay for repairs out of pocket but will be in the clear legally.

With full coverage, you get coverage for both you and the other driver's medical bills and repair bills. When you're involved in an accident, you'll be reimbursed for damages to your vehicle so you can get it fixed or buy a new one. Full coverage is generally required when you're still making payments on a vehicle because it allows the bank you got your loan from to recoup some of their money if you're involved in an accident.